The Christian Guild implements our mission by providing a two-year program which targets young ladies during their junior year in high school (11th grade)
Program Requirements:
- Young lady entering her junior year in high school;
- Must attend weekly program sessions and activities;
- Must participate in cotillion (end of junior year)
- Must identify a service platform
- Must fulfill senior service project for receipt of academic scholarships
Year One – Becoming a CG Girl!
Click → here for program application
The first-year experience of girls participating in the Christian Guild is about supporting their spiritual development and increasing their leadership skills through weekly holistic youth development sessions and group mentorship. Girls will also participate in activities which increase their access to postsecondary education and cultural enrichment. CG girls will learn the importance of expressing their faith through the bonds of sisterhood and serving the community. Through an immersive experience, girls will investigate social problems within the community and declare a platform for service. The culminating event for participants will be a cotillion at which they will presented as CG emerging leaders to their family and community, and present their platform of service which will be implemented during their senior year (see year two)
Junior Year → SNAPSHOT
- Recruitment & enrollment
- Program induction
- Weekly session & activities
- Skill development
- Group mentoring
- Service platform development
- Cotillion rehearsals
- Declare platform of service
- Participate in cotillion
Year Two – Becoming a Servant Leader
The second-year experience of girls participating in the Christian Guild is primarily focused on implementing their platform of service/service project. Participants will receive support from CG staff, CG members and partner organizations to successfully execute their project. The completion of the project will qualify participants to receive academic scholarships based on their leadership and service. Girls who are seniors (participated in the previous year’s cotillion) are required to participate in the annual cotillion as a member of the “Senior Court” and share a short presentation highlighting their service project. After high school graduation, alumna will participate in activities which support college retention and completion through our sister organizations in the D2F Formation.
Senior Year → SNAPSHOT
- Service project development
- Monthly sessions and activities
- Group mentorship
- Complete service project
- Complete scholarship application
- Create service project highlight video
- Participate in cotillion as “Senior Court”
- Share project at annual cotillion
- Receive academic scholarship
- Induction into CG alumna
- Referral to sister organizations for continued services